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Impressive Health benefits of Daily bowl of Curd

Diet Vita / Tips  / Impressive Health benefits of Daily bowl of Curd

Impressive Health benefits of Daily bowl of Curd

1. Curd is a great natural probiotic that contains good and beneficial live bacteria. These bacteria are known to treat an upset stomach and comfort inflamed digestive system.
2. A daily bowl (250 gms) of curd contains 275mg of calcium that needed for optimal bone density and also strengthens bones to protect bones issues include osteoporosis and arthritis.
3. Curd is rich in many nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. But it has very low fat, and calories, thus, may also help keep your weight in check.
4. Presence of lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria in curd discourage the growth of yeast infections in the vagina and female urinary tract. That is the reason curd is extremely good for women.
5. Yogurt can be consumed by the people who have lactose intolerance or gastrointestinal diseases like irritable bowel disease or inflammatory bowel disease.
6. As yogurt has a less amount of fat, & calories, it helps to maintain cholesterol level in blood and allows smooth blood flow to the heart. Hence, reduce the risk of heart-related diseases.
7. Acidic components of curd protect skin from bacterial infections, fungal infections, and give radiant & flawless skin. You can add a few drops of lemon or a teaspoon of honey with curd and apply to your skin.


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