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Author: DietVita

Diet Vita / Articles posted by DietVita

Foods for a healthy Gut

Have you heard of SECOND BRAIN in our body- well it’s our GUT. In charge of absorbing different nutrients as well as removing waste from our system, our gut plays an extremely crucial role. In short, our overall health including our mental health can be maintained by a healthy GUT. This is the reason scientists have given it the above Name. Well to maintain a healthy gut, we need a balanced environment in the intestine for the proper and healthy development of Beneficial bacteria. Let’s discuss what are these bacteria and why are they present in our Intestine. Our Intestine has both good and bad bacteria. They live together and are referred as MICROFLORA. Good Bacteria are beneficial to our body as they help in absorbing various nutrients...

Skipping meals- Good / Bad

Skipping Meals – Good / Bad

Hey folks, how many of you skip your breakfast if your weight shows more or if you had some heavy food the last night? Some may also feel if we eat three large meals it is fine to skip mid snacks and our weight won’t increase. But is it sustainable? Have you thought about it? Large meals burden our digestive system, often causing bloating and lethargy whereas the body struggles to digest them. When we eat a big meal, blood sugar levels rise but once that food is digested, sugar levels start falling as your body starts using them for energy to fight with the lethargy.  Bigger the meal, bigger the crash. Leading to your need for more sugar to refuel your body. Researches have confirmed levels of...

Pre & Post Vaccination Tips

Pre & Post VaccinationTo Do-1. Light meals2. Include turmeric, garlic, Milk, curd, eggs, chicken, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables3. Good Hydration (Water, coconut water, fresh juice, soups, buttermilk)4. Sufficient RestTo Avoid-1. Taking vaccine on empty stomach2. Smoking / drinking3. Caffeinated Drinks4. Stress5. Exercise ...

Green Tea vs Green Coffee

Green Tea vs Green Coffee

How many of you have been consuming green tea? How many of you know about green coffee? Let us talk about green tea first. Green tea is made from stem, leaves, & bud of the tea plants. It is not the fermented one like many other teas. Instead, it is made by steaming leaves at high temperature. It is most often taken as a beverage but off late it is also available in the form of a supplement. You can drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea per day. Green tea is packed with antioxidants named polyphenol which prevents swelling in the body. It also has many other health benefits. What does green tea do? – • 2-4% caffeine is present in green tea which boosts body metabolism...

Impressive Health benefits of Daily bowl of Curd

1. Curd is a great natural probiotic that contains good and beneficial live bacteria. These bacteria are known to treat an upset stomach and comfort inflamed digestive system. 2. A daily bowl (250 gms) of curd contains 275mg of calcium that needed for optimal bone density and also strengthens bones to protect bones issues include osteoporosis and arthritis. 3. Curd is rich in many nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. But it has very low fat, and calories, thus, may also help keep your weight in check. 4. Presence of lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria in curd discourage the growth of yeast infections in the vagina and female urinary tract. That is the reason curd is extremely good for women. 5. Yogurt can be consumed by the people...



Since the monsoons are still not over, there are number of diseases surrounding us. The most common being Typhoid. Let’s find out what is exactly typhoid. Typhoid is a type of bacterial infection caused by bacteria S.typhi or S. paratyphi. These are deposited on the water by the carrier and easily transferred to other humans through contaminated water and food. It can be treated but it can also be fatal if not treated on time. If we talk about the symptoms, high fever with headache, cold and cough, stomache with constipation or diarrhoea are common. If caught early it can be easily treated. However, if ignored or not treated on time, One out of five die in such cases. Prevention 1. Wash your hands thoroughly & frequently using...

Tips for a healthy Karwa Chauth

Before the fast or Sarghi- 1. Try to finish light dinner early and go to bed early so that you can get at least 6 hours of sleep when you wake up in the early morning. 2. Have Multigrain chapati with ghee instead of paratha or poori. 3. Opt for Green vegetable curry with paneer or soya instead of rich paneer butter masala or dal makhani. 4. Sprouts or moong dal soup with little tempering instead of heavy dals such as chole or rajma will help you get rid of acidity or bloating. 5. Drink buttermilk, fruit juice (homemade), coconut water, infused water, green tea instead of tea, coffee, tetra pack juices. The latter will make you dehydrated. 6. Take dates, almonds, pistachio, walnuts, makhana or any seeds of your choice....